Tuesday 28 April 2020

Animals and their habitats

Have you ever wondered why some animals live in a certain place and other animals live in others? Why are there no camels in the Himalayas and penguins in the Sahara? Well, animals have adapted to their surroundings in order to survive. They have specific features that make them able to live in certain temperatures and landscapes. 

Watch this video about polar bears listing its features and tell me why they have these features in order to survive. 


  1. A poler bears paws is used to paddle when there swimming. There there fur that looks white is actually clear underneath it is black fur when the sun shines on the fur it absorbs the heat and warms the fur up.

  2. Well done Aaminah! why do you think it is helpful their fur appears white? - Miss Oner

  3. Polar bears are excellent swimmers because they have evolved to have a narrow skull and a long neck which helps them streamline their body.

  4. they have a 2 to 4 layer of fat which helps them keep warm while their in the water
