Wednesday 13 May 2020

Writing a powerful speech

Now, I know that what we are hearing on the news is all a bit confusing. The rules are confusing, the messages are confusing and it really isn't helping anyone. What do you have to say about it? For your next writing piece, I would like you to write a speech to our government telling them how you feel. 

First, let's watch an example of a powerful speech to help us get into the mood.

SO, what is needed for a powerful speech? 

  • A - alliteration
  • F - facts
  • O - opinion
  • R - rhetorical questions
  • E - emotive language
  • S - statistics
  • T - triples (repeating your point three times but in different ways)

Your speech needs to demand answers, explain how you are feeling, insist on change, and simply tell them you are NOT satisfied with how this situation has been dealt with. 

Once you have written them, you can either send them into us on email or send us a video of your performing the speech for us to see.

This is one written by Della today: 

My name is Della,I am ten years old,and I think the situation you have put us in is all wrong.You say that you are doing it right.You say that everything is going to be okay.But will it really?How do you know that?Can humans adjust from being two metres apart and staying at home to holding hands and going to school in a few hours? I don't think so. The situation we are in is not comfortable and that just makes it worse.You need to think about how you are dealing with lockdown. I'm not the only one who is feeling this way.

And this one is by Tyon: 

Tyon's speech

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