Monday 30 March 2020

Malala Yousafzai

I'm SO  gutted that school closed just as we began our learning on Malala and the incredible work she has done for children's rights and girls' education. There really is so much more we can learn from her and that we will continue to in the future.

We never got the chance to watch her full acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize which she won in 2014.

I'd love for you to give it a watch and write a response to what lessons we can learn from her.

Personally, I find watching the speech very emotional and moving and she teaches me that knowledge is power and that if I want to make a difference in this world I first have to educate myself on the subject I want to have an impact on so that I can be taken seriously.

Many of you know I'm an advocate for sustainability and climate change. I can only talk passionately about it, using facts and case studies because I have acquired the knowledge myself.

Learning doesn't need to come from your teachers or parents or siblings. Learning comes from you!

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