Thursday 26 March 2020

Diary Writing

Hello lovely Year 5s!

I hope you are all staying safe indoors and remaining positive about these uncertain times.

It feels so strange to not know what you are doing on a day-to-day basis and I would love for you to keep a diary (a little bit like Dollie's) so that when I do see you again I can read about what you have been up to. Though I'm aware your options are limited on things to do, recording your thoughts, feelings, and emotions during this time would be both helpful for me and for yourselves.

The entries don't have to be very long and might look a little like mine below:

Dear diary,

Oh how I miss my class! Not seeing their smiling faces and hearing their laughs every day has been really tough for me but I try to remember all the great memories we had so far this year and am positive there will be more to be made with them.

I really hope they are doing their daily reading and using this time to support one another, as well as connect on new levels with their family members (not just using Tik Tok).

It is important to stay fit during these times, so I have been exercising twice a day and am enjoying the time to read more books.

Got to go - lots of work to do - speak soon!

Miss Oner


  1. Hi Miss Oner, I have been keeping fit by doing exercises with my mum. I have been doing Maths and English and my reading plus.

    Hope you are safe.

    From Tyon

    1. Ah well done Tyon! So great to hear from you. I'm looking forward to your sharing your vegan recipe with us ( I'm sure mum will be able to help with this).

      Hope you are safe and helping with sister at home.


      Miss Oner

  2. Ah Tyon well done! So great to hear from you. Looking forward to reading your recipe ( I'm sure mum can help with this).

    I can see you are doing your reading + , keep it up, I'm very impressed!

    Hope you the family are safe and that you are enjoying the extra quality time with your baby sister.

    Speak soon!


    Miss Oner
