Tuesday 2 June 2020

Welcome Back and English tasks intro

Good morning Year 5, I hope you all had a wonderful half term and are ready to get back to some learning this week. I feel really lucky that I get to see some of you in school this week but will of course missing 
all of those that I don't get to see 😢

There has been a lot in the news recently which I can imagine is making many of you feel quite anxious so I think it is important that we discuss and learn about it. 

The series of English lessons this week will be about the murder of George Floyd, about protesting, racism and what we can do to support. It is crucial that we try to understand, learn about and teach others about racial injustice not only in America, not only in London but all around the world. 

I'm here as a learner myself, I don't have all the answers, so together we can join in solidarity with the communities globally who are victims of racism every single day. 

The lessons look like this and I will be posting a new one every day. I have made them as suitable for Year 5 as possible. You can download the PDF link and flick through the pages.

1) LI: To understand what we have seen in the news recently

How does the news make you feel, what and why it is happening.

2) LI: To understand the term racism

What does the word mean, who is affected and how it leads to racial profiling in Hackney

3) LI: To understand why we protest

What can protests achieve and why they don't always remain peaceful (discussions on how police have encouraged rioting)

4) LI: To understand how we can show support

Both to friends/family who are worried and to the wider cause

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